city-logo - Google Beijing

"旅游景点" (tourist attraction) searched on "local" Google China from Beijing

forbidden city image from Google Search Results for ChinaClicking here will open a new tab of Google Search performed "from" Beijing. You will notice that many snippets will focus on "北京". Sometimes even a Baidu Maps integration with Beijing will be noticable. Typical websites you will probably notice are, mafengwocom or which will focus on different attractions depending on the city you have chosen for your Google search to take place at in China.

city-logo  - Google Chengdu

"我附近的餐馆" (restaurant near me) searched on "local" Google China from Chengdu

local snippets for restaurants on Google China for ChengduWhen looking for Restaurant near your location, you were in Chengdu and you would have access to Google China, the local Google search engine would most likely provide a local search onebox right in the top with a couple of suggestions and a map integration.

city-logo  - Google Chongqing

"鼓楼" (drum tower) searched on "local" Google China from Chongqing

Drum Tower or 'Gulou' area in Chongqing China on GoogleAlmost every older city in China has got a historical drum tower. When you are searching on Google "from" Chongqing, Google would most likely present a knowledge graph sidebar with a maps integration showing Chongqing area where the drum tower is located along with some more information on the topic.

city-logo  - Google Dongguan

"家乐福" ("Carrefour" a french supermarket brand) searched on "local" Google China from Dongguan

Google Maps directions for peple in Dongguan China to the next Carrefour supermarketYour are in Gongduang, China and want to know where the next Carrefour supermarket is? Google has got an answer for you and offers directions to get there. Just below the map integration within the SERP.

city-logo  - Shanghai

"Burberry" searched on "local" Google China from Shanghai

Find out how a local Chinese search result on Google could look like for the search of "burberry" made from Shanghai. Click here.

Google in China

When it comes to searching on Google in Mainland China, users are often met with disappointment. This is because Google has been blocked since 2010, following a dispute over censorship and cyber attacks. The Chinese Great Firewall is the reason why users are unable to access Google.

Despite this, some people still manage to use VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to access Google by pretending to be in another country. However, they will still be unable to access localized Chinese Google results.

Google is available for localized China search results

Google still crawls and indexes Chinese websites, and it understands that some search queries would deserve localized search results. By using URL parameters, you can tell Google not only which language should be used in the user interface, but also which language the search results should be drawn from and which geo-location they should be relevant for.

By utilizing these URL parameters, Gooina makes it possible for users to receive localized search results for any place in the world as if they were there, even if they are not. We trigger a real Google search as if the user was located in China and as if Google was not blocked there.

Now you can access relevant search results as if you were located in China.